Let's agree that it's not just your home that should have everything to do with your personality and lifestyle, right? Especially when we take into account the new generation, which sees the work environment as a second home.
Not to mention that the home office modality is on the rise, which transforms one's home into a versatile place ready to work while maintaining the productivity.
Therefore, in today's post, we have put together some tips that will help you in room decoration so your productivity is maintained, whether you're in a secluded cubicle, a corporate tower, or your living room annex. Check out!
Simplicity equals productivity when decorating business environments
Starting with the basics: a cool office does not necessarily need to have a world of elements that reflect the personality of those who work there.
Even more so because excess information can be highly detrimental to productivity. Therefore, opt for highly functional and practical furniture, leaving extravagance to the decorative elements.
One tip is to use the office walls to tell stories. In addition to photographs, posters and paintings are great ways to display a relaxed environment that is completely in line with the identity of your company or home office.
Objectivity at the table offers decorative ideas in other corners
There's nothing to argue about: distractions at hand are an invitation to procrastination!
Therefore, to maintain your productivity, minimize the office decoration on your work desk and allow it to extend to other spaces in the environment.
In the workplace, leave more personal items, but which do not allow you to go much further than a glance, such as picture frames, for example.
Use the walls to decorate your office
Pictures are not the only elements that can compose the style and decoration of home office or office environments. After all, the wallpapers they can also be completely aligned with your identity!
The best thing about this type of material is the ease with which you can assemble and disassemble environments – as they are items that are easy to apply, remove and customize, too.
Another important tip, in this sense, is: start slowly. This means choosing a wall, at first, to test your decorating idea. If the result pleases you, extend it to other spaces and explore new possibilities.
Lighting stimulates productivity and reinforces your good taste
Finally, when decorating work spaces, do not neglect lighting at all. After all, a space that preserves productivity can have several elements, but half-light is not one of them.
Lighting is one of the most important factors in highlighting the decorative style adopted and ensuring that, even when there is no natural lighting, the brightness in the environment will prevail to maintain focus on work and productivity.
For all options, remember to maintain a balance between style and productivity. When decorating work environments, focus is essential, no matter how cool the company or its market.
And you, how do you maintain productivity with decorating work environments?
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