Creating Home Design

Criativando: the marketplace for creatives to sell their art

Have you ever imagined how beautiful personalized products with your art would look? This is one of the main bets of Creating, which arrived on the market with a differentiated proposal to help you sell your online art!

The site is a real marketplace for creatives, where the exchange of ideas and experiences is possible and, mainly, the exhibition and appreciation of your work in personalized decoration items.

Criativando offers multiple opportunities to monetize your art online and, in this post, you will understand the great advantages of registering on the platform. Check out!

What is Criativando?

The project emerged as an offshoot of Tebaldi Digital which, over the last few years, has stood out in the southern region of the country as one of the great online exponents of personalized decoration.

Now, the idea of Criativando is to take this same proposal to a new level: presenting your work in a stylish way in the prints of decorative pieces.

In other words, when you register on the marketplace for creatives, you begin to be part of a wide network of creative professionals (such as designers and architects, among others) who transform your art into true personalized products.

The best thing about this is that, in addition to exposing your work to a qualified audience, there is also the possibility of monetizing your art, since for each product sold, you are entitled to a percentage of the sale.

Advantages of registering with Creating

In addition to the immediate advantage we mentioned previously, Criativando will also promote monthly internal competitions to encourage new projects and, therefore, publicize your work, so that it is increasingly present in the prints of pieces sold online.

Furthermore, the winners of each of these competitions will receive prizes selected by our team, as well as larger commissions on products personalized with their art – not to mention the relevance of having your work recognized and valued!

Quality products to showcase your creativity

It is also worth mentioning that all of Criativando's personalized decoration products are made by us and other creatives, like you, who help to give the ideal finish to each of our pieces — such as the picture frames or the personalized sewing of the cushions. , which can travel throughout Brazil until reaching the final consumer.

To obtain a satisfactory result and the level of excellence we seek for personalized products, we work with high-quality latex printing technology and Italian and German substrates to add color, texture and volume to your art.

In other words: we will not waste your talent and creativity on low quality products that will add little value to the consumer.

After all, in the same way that we want to be careful when choosing our personalized decoration pieces, we also want the consumer to obtain a product with a lot of added value.

Sell your art online for custom projects

In addition to our products, the Creating will also focus requests for custom work. With this, professionals interested in the briefing can send their artwork and, once the project is approved, the client receives personalized products with it.

Yet another way to make the most of your creativity.

Discover and register with Criativando

So, do you want to know more about the creative marketplace that promotes new ways to monetize your projects by selling your art online?

Then, visit our website and register to be part of a community that is taking its first steps towards becoming a great meeting point for designers! We look forward to seeing you and your art!

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