Creating Home Design

Wallpaper or paint: find out which is the best option for decoration

Whether for construction or a renovation project, many clients come across a decorative aspect that can fill their minds with questions: what is the best type of finish? Pwallpaper and painting?

There are those who opt for practicality, and also for versatility – and there are those who only look at the aesthetic side. The fact is that there is no better finish than another, but different solutions according to each project.

Therefore, in today's post, we will present some of the main characteristics of finishes, so that you can make the right choice. and have a decoration with more personality. Check out!

Popularity and application for all tastes

When looking at wallpaper or painting as an option for decorating, you can immediately see that the use of each one is in line with your goals.

This is because wallpaper, for example, involves much less dirt and requires few materials for its application – such as a stylus and glue. The painting, in turn, stands out for giving the room a type of sensation due to the chosen colors.

Furthermore, painting can offer various customizations, such as textures, and has a relatively low application cost. The problem, however, lies in maintaining the service so that the walls are always vivid and shine with the selected colors.

When we talk about wallpaper, there is differentiation between national and imported products. The cost/benefit, finally, really lies in the final touch you want to give to each environment.

There are many advantages when opting for wallpaper, as practicality and elegance can go hand in hand with this style of composition. Shall we see some of them?

The advantages of applying wallpaper in decoration

If wallpaper is gaining more and more space on the walls of houses and apartments, there are some reasons that help to reinforce its use.

And this is not just among consumers, but there is a predilection on the part of architects and decorators, too, mainly due to the ability of this material to reinvent an environment. Among the main characteristics of wallpaper, which make it a good option for decoration, are:

  • Easy to apply and does not leave much residue in the environment;
  • It has a variety of prints, which helps you remodel entire rooms in a short time;
  • It has broad durability;
  • Helps cover or mask imperfections and structural flaws in the wall;
  • Does not require maintenance and can be cleaned easily;
  • It matches all types of decorative styles and, above all, any environment;
  • It is versatile and can be complemented by different textures, prints and colors – including traditional wall painting with paint.

In other words: there is a lot to explore when thinking about wallpaper as an option for decorating, adding style, comfort and elegance to the composition.

And you, have you ever thought about using wallpaper in any room in your home?  Access our website Sign up and discover the different prints that can add the missing touch to that boring wall. 

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