Creating Home Design

Home automation: see how to have a smart home!

A home automation It's a great solution for those who want to make it even easier to control their home. Everything in a very modern and practical way, with various technologies in different accessories. 

This way, you have the chance to make your home an even more comfortable space, through various technologies. There is how to maintain an innovative system for lights, locks, air conditioning and much more.  

So, if you are searching for a real estate in Contagem, you can now start thinking about how to modernize your new home. Follow along! 

What is home automation?

The first step to taking advantage of all the advantages of home automation is to understand more about this feature. In this case, we are talking about the use of software and hardware that can be incorporated into various accessories in the home. 

In other words, it is a way of using technology to your advantage, integrating electronic systems and allowing you to have simplified control. 

In this type of system, several devices are connected to a control center that allows easy access for the user. To give you an idea, it is possible to activate the systems via smartphone, tablet and even voice command.

Therefore, with the help of the internet, you can control various devices and services within your own home. In a practical and comfortable way.

What are the advantages of home automation?

By now, you have already understood that home automation is an even easier way to control systems and accessories inside the home, right? 

But do you want to know more about its advantages? Well, know that this solution is a great alternative to bring even more benefits to your life and, below, we explain more about them. 


As we said, through automation you have total convenience in activating equipment. Imagine how practical it is to turn on the light in a room without even having to look for the switch? 

In this sense, you not only save time, but also guarantee your well-being very easily. 

It is even possible to program certain accessories and have everything activated at specific times or conditions.


Another important detail of home automation is that it can help a lot in saving energy. 

This is because, with the programming of some applications, it is possible to choose alternatives that are capable of managing energy consumption. 

And of course, by applying these features, you can access data that proves where the biggest expense is, so you can focus on control. 


Now, one of the most important benefits of this service is, without a doubt, the possibility of increasing the level of security in your home. 

This is because there are already service options with locks, alarms and even cameras. Therefore, even if you are away from home, you can have greater control through applications that keep everything integrated and working. 

How to have a smart home? See what can be automated!

After learning more about the benefits of home automation, we brought you tips on systems that can be automated and that will improve your quality of life. 

This is because, as we have already pointed out, this technology can be used in different equipment and systems in your home. And of course, keeping everything integrated means you can easily control things.


One of the best-known automations is the one that involves ambient lighting. This way, in addition to systems and configurations, it is necessary to work with smart lamps that will be integrated with technology. 

With this, they can turn on and off with programmed settings, responding to voice control or even clicks on the cell phone itself. 

It is even possible to configure special lighting for certain days and events that will make the event special.

Ambient sound

An integrated and automated ambient sound is also something very cool. Through it, you can control speakers spread throughout the house, which makes it easier to play any music. 

In fact, it is easy to adjust the volume and distribute the sound between rooms, ideal for those who want to maintain the same climate in all environments.

Curtains and blinds

Home automation for curtains and blinds is another factor that can make your daily life much easier. According to your desire for light in the room, it is simple to configure the way they will look. 

In fact, control can be done on the spot or even programmed, according to the time of day. Therefore, with technology, you can define the environment's exposure to light the way you prefer.

Air conditioning

Keeping the temperature of the house under control is something very useful, isn't it? This way, you can use automation for air conditioning and even fans.

With the possibility of turning on the air conditioning even far from the environment, you have the chance to prepare the temperature before you even get home.


With automated locks, you can have even more control over your home, keeping the environment safe and making it easier to use. 

Is it worth automating a rental property?

When talking about home automation for rented properties, some doubts may arise, after all, you don't own the space and may end up moving at some point. 

But remember that living on rent is not synonymous with not having a personalized home and living in discomfort. Therefore, it is important to look for improvements that can make your life practical. 

Therefore, it is worth installing the automated system. Even, by forming good agreements with the owner, it is possible to share the costs and maintain something interesting for the owner and the renter. 

One tip is to take advantage of the support of the real estate agency to negotiate all the details.


Did you see how the home automation Can it make your life easier and keep various equipment in your home integrated? With this technology, you have the chance to be even more practical in controlling various parts of the environment. 

In other words, it is possible to maintain a safer environment, with control over light, air conditioning, sound and much more. And of course, you can make the settings as you prefer. 

Even in a rented property, you can take advantage of modern solutions that will make your daily life even better.

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