Creating Home Design

5 tips for decorating with personalized paintings

If you are looking for a composition that has everything to do with the decorative style that prevails in your rooms, but that also matches your personal taste, the custom frames have proven to be excellent alternatives for decorating with balance!

In fact, the task becomes even more practical and harmonious when you pay attention to some tips and techniques that can enhance the composition of the walls.

Therefore, in today's post, we have put together some decorating ideas with personalized paintings that can revolutionize the style of your home. Get inspired and invest in this idea!

1. Reuse frames

As DIY (Do It Yourself) techniques are on the rise, you can start by mining those frames that have been lying around for years, in your parents' house, for example, and giving them new uses.

A good tip is to work on an aged look on the frames, with the help of sandpaper, or even invest in colors that match the rest of your decor.

Then just find the ideal images and photographs and mix these elements in a creative and practical way.

2. Combine colorful frames

You know they are simple and creative works of art! With these elements, you can make your wall an incredible gallery capable of enhancing your personal tastes.

This way, you don't need to weigh so much on the colors of furniture and accessories, but you can have a colorful composition with our paintings. What about?

3. Don't hang the pictures

Personalized paintings are gaining space in areas other than the walls, and you can also let your imagination run wild to find the best place for them.

Some ideas consist of using the floor itself – leaning against the walls – or placing them supported by bookshelves, shelves and furniture. This way, you get out of the ordinary with your favorite paintings and explore your decorative creativity with great taste.

4. Combine visual elements

Have you tried using black and white photographs, posters and other visual elements in your decor? Believe me, with careful composition and boldness, it is possible to make your personalized paintings lend all the style you want to your environments.

What counts here is creativity – but without losing common sense regarding balance. After all, in the same way that excesses should be avoided in other decorative techniques, this maxim also prevails when composing personalized paintings.

5. Tell stories

Finally, you can explore custom boards to tell different stories. After all, images are excellent narrative sources and can add a distinctive highlight to any wall in your home.

It's really worth using images in this way: by telling stories, the environments become more charming and even more interesting.

Now, we want to hear a little more from you: what other decorating tip with personalized paintings is part of your home’s composition?

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