Creating Home Design

The First Home Office Wallpaper Store

In times of uncertainty, Innovation makes all the difference. And the best way to overcome all these difficulties is to do something totally different from your competitors. With this in mind, we at Criativando developed the “first Home Office wallpaper store”.

2020, the entire world was taken by surprise by an unprecedented pandemic, as the virus spreads around the world, countries slowly close down, drastically slowing down the global economy. And now, how can you take care of your personal health without harming the financial health of your business, your wallpaper store? With social isolation, how can you keep sales strong even when working from home?

In times of uncertainty, Innovation makes all the difference. And the best way to overcome all these difficulties is to do something totally different from your competitors, with this in mind, we at Creating, we developed the “first Home Office wallpaper store”.

How it works?

Common simple registration on our platform, you will be able to serve your customers with all the comfort and convenience from your Home Office.

Due to health measures, we all need to comply with social isolation, which makes your customer look for alternatives and digital means to meet their project needs, thus being a good opportunity to generate new sales and transform your store for the digital world.

Exclusive functions for Finishing, Coating and Decoration Stores

With our exclusive Home Office functions, you can tackle any project at any time of the day. Among them we can highlight:

Home Office Module – we connect your store to thousands of professionals in Brazil via geolocation, and you can also register and give access to your professionals to generate quotes and orders online;

Buy by m² – You can buy wallpapers on demand, according to the needs of each project;

Augmented reality – through your device's screen, you can view all the colors, textures and models in detail;

Find Professionals – We connect your business to the main Professionals in the area, from the best Designers, Decorators, Architects, among others;

Digital catalog – Forget about spending on Books or outdated stock, with our digital catalogue, there are more than 1000 models ready for you to choose from;

Exclusive Models – High standards and originality are our main goals, therefore, you will always have original and exclusive models, making each project unique;

Custom wallpaper – Didn't any model available in our catalog please you? Don't worry, you can customize your own model, according to your client's taste;

Own manufacturing – Forget about problems with lack of stock or delays in delivery, Criativando has its own production line, we do not depend on third parties, which guarantees that your project is completed within the desired deadline;

One store per Region – To ensure that your business stands out from the rest and you can work peacefully, we only allow one store per region;

Integration with social networks – Social networks are part of everyone's life, with this in mind, we integrated our platform with the main social networks, this will allow you to sell directly through WhatsApp, Facebook, Instagram, among others.

In summary…

You will no longer be able to blame the crisis, through Creating, it is possible to have your own Home Office wallpaper store in a few minutes, and serve all your customers with peace of mind.

Stand out from your competitors and boost your sales today. Do it now your registration, and learn about the plans we have prepared especially for your business during this period of social isolation.

We await your contact!

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