Creating Home Design

Among 1000 Startups we are among the 15 to keep an eye on in 2020

The decoration of a children's room must be light, convey tranquility and, little by little, adapt to the children's personality.

With a scenario of constant transformation and innovation, new startups emerge every day with the most varied solutions, innovating in sectors that are often forgotten or left aside.

As proof of this is Criativando, which broke the paradigm of traditional Papel de Parede, with an innovative business model, personalized products and its platform that generates business between architects, retailers and designers, in addition to being one of the only startups in World Wallpaper.

Sebrae RS chose the top 15 Startups to keep an eye on in 2020

2019 was a year of many challenges, we expanded our platform, increased our team, offered new services and features to our customers, grew more than 50%, went through the program Shark Tank, if you didn't see me crying on the show, here's the link.

With all this, we join the select group of 15 Startups to keep an eye on in 2020 made by Sebrae RS, where every year it lists startups that are bringing new business models and breaking the barrier of traditional businesses.

From agrotech to communication, we chose some startups from Rio Grande do Sul that stood out in 2019 and that promise great growth in 2020 for you to keep an eye on.

Deborah Chagas
State Coordinator of Startups and Digital Economy at SEBRAE RS

Check out the complete list of 15 selected Startups here.

What to expect for 2020 from Criativando

Today we are in all Brazilian states, with more than 230 points of sale (stores) on our platform and we started the year by increasing our expansion team to reach all cities in Brazil.

We will also launch our franchise model, a unique model in the world and we will be the precursor of this franchise model, where we will provide opportunities for other entrepreneurs to be part of Criativando and help us customize all the homes in our Brazil. If you are interested in being a Criativando franchisee, please get in touch here.

We are going to launch new product lines, one of our strengths is the creation of new products, we already have new products in the wallpaper market that we will make available to our retailers in the first quarter of 2020. I guarantee that they will fall in love and be surprised with our news.

New models with augmented reality, with new games and interactivity. We also opened a department for corporate projects with augmented reality in decor with a focus on franchise networks and user/customer experience, such as franchising Xok's that we are creating an interactive store through wallpaper.

2020 promises many challenges and we hope to grow more than 50%, open at least 10 franchises in addition to opening our marketplace model to other products on the platform.

Therefore, I invite you to get to know Criativando and be part of this very successful 2020. To the next! 

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