Creating Home Design

5 gifts for a secret friend

While some fear the same refrains that set the tone for Christmas and New Year's Eve traditions, others feel their hair stand on end just mentioning their participation in (another) secret friend after all. Secret friend It's serious!

After all, if giving someone a gift is already a challenge, thinking about gifts for secret friend, within the value proposed by the group, it is a truly – almost – impossible mission.

However, how about changing the dial and making safe bets to please all types of people – regardless of how intimate you are with your secret friend?

No, this is not a gift card. You can do better than that, and, to prove it, we've listed 5 gift suggestions for a Secret Santa. Check out!

1. Frames

We couldn't start without exploring all the qualities of a painting as a gift for a secret friend.

After all, decorative items can not only help to furnish the home of an acquaintance, but are also an excellent exercise to deepen your intimacy with the person you choose.

This is because the painting will be a constant and permanent item in the recipient's daily life and, therefore, it is up to you to understand her habits and tastes.

Humorous pictures are an excellent opportunity to pay homage to the braggart in the class who is always ready for a toast, or that aficionado of Series frames.

Those who mix a little pop culture to Renaissance art are ideal for exploring the artistic nuances of Secret Santa with a bit of comic lightness.

2. Drink Kit

As we talked a little about the friend who is more present at happy hours than at weekly company meetings, how about offering that person an excellent drinks kit?

And anyone who finds it difficult to assemble this kit is wrong. For good drinkers, half a bottle and a few shot glasses are enough!

Remembering that these cups, nowadays, are available in different prints, which increases the possibility of dedicating something original and focused on their personality to your secret friend, how about that?

3. Mugs

Don't dismiss this idea too soon! After all, mugs have also become real consumer desires in recent years.

Highlighting the personalized ones, with pop culture figures – which could have everything to do with your secret friend's style, including –, or even with customization possibilities, be it with images or catchphrases.

This way, your gifts for a secret friend become even more exclusive! And there will never be a lack of coffee in the mugs of co-workers who, in the morning and after lunch, wear real sleepy, bad-tempered frowns.

4. Pillows

Regardless of your age, the desire to throw yourself onto cushions after a long day is practically uncontrollable, right?

Even more so when they can increase comfort, combining bold design and lots of personality in their prints.

You can, for example, invoke the kings of rock n' roll with a Black Sabbath cushion or, perhaps, dedicate to your secret friend a cushion printed with one of your favorite series – and from around the world, basically: Breaking Bad!

It can even be left over for the secret friend who assumes it, without fear: who likes to have a drink “I bring”.

Want one more tip? Gift without fear! Assuming that you know a little about your secret friend is among the main fun of this game.

So, let yourself go and make your gifts for a Secret Santa reflect what everyone should do at this type of meeting: have fun.

5. Portable speakers

With Bluetooth, Wi-Fi, bright colors and even prints, portable speakers dominated any type of informal occasion due to the popularization of streaming audio services, such as Spotify, for example.

So, every meeting between friends can have a soundtrack and the owner of the play can be your secret friend – as long as he has good taste in music so that your idea doesn't turn into a real Greek gift.

But don't let yourself be limited to the options we've given here. Dedicate some time to getting to know who you are going to give a gift to.

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