Creating Home Design

5 tips for setting up a home office

Working from home is a modality that requires discipline to keep productivity high. But, did you know that this quality does not depend exclusively on your efforts?

This is because the environment can interfere – a lot – with the focus dedicated to professional activities, such as ergonomics in furniture or even in the decorative elements that make up your workspace.

Therefore, in today's post we prepared 5 tips for setting up a home office that has balanced comfort, charm and productivity. Check out!

1. Less boldness and more practicality

Being at home, it is natural that the composition of the environment reflects a lot of your personal tastes. It turns out that the entrepreneurial side should speak louder when decorating a home office.

Choose the functionality of the furniture. The chair, for example, should be comfortable, as you will spend most of the day in it.

Ergonomics – a study that aims to improve the well-being of professionals – is another characteristic that must be taken into account in a home office. And not just in choosing a chair.

When sitting, the monitor, for example, must remain at eye level, the feet must be in contact with the floor and the arms must be in a comfortable position throughout the workday.

2. Privilege natural light

Windows: and open, preferably. With this, natural lighting helps bring clarity to the environment and saves on electricity consumption.

For those who prefer to be productive at night, it is worth considering using cool light bulbs, which stimulate productivity compared to hot ones.

3. Don't forget to organize the environment

You may be at home, but the work environment requires a lot of care to stay focused during working hours.

And organization is one of the main aspects to be taken into account in this sense. Therefore, have drawers, shelves or bookshelves – remembering that excess can be an invitation to distraction – so that you can organize files and everyday materials.

Furthermore, by having less furniture, you will also start to accumulate fewer things and learn to optimize your professional routine at home office.

4. Create a rest corner

Anyone who works in corporate environments must miss a corner to rest – something that most companies have not yet fully embraced. After all, long hours of uninterrupted work do not bring any benefits to the professional.

And since you are at home, you mostly have areas focused on your well-being, take the opportunity to enhance this advantage in a corner of your home office. Add an armchair, pillows, a dim light and everything that can take a few minutes of rest to recharge your energy.

5. Personalize the environment according to your productivity

In your home office, you can opt for decoration that is more in line with your personal taste – just remembering to focus on ideas that refer to productivity. It is even worth having ambient sound, TV, pictures, custom wallpaper related to your work, and even a pet to keep you company in the home office, as long as you can balance your attention without losing focus on your work.

In general, setting up a home office depends exclusively on this balance between productivity and personal preferences. Knowing yourself allows you to carry out some extravagances – like the aforementioned TV – or be more careful in other aspects, so that distraction is minimal.

So, what tips and ideas do you intend to bring to the composition of your home office?

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