Creating Home Design

5 tips that can help with bathroom decor

Due to its exclusive functionality and, often, low availability of space, the bathroom has become an environment that is ignored when it comes to its composition.

It turns out that, for some time now, the bathroom decoration It regained its importance in the quest to bring uniformity to the home – as well as more style to the rooms.

Therefore, in today's post, we are going to talk about some simple and accessible tips and techniques for you to add charm to this small and fundamental space in houses and apartments. Check out!

1. Try relaxing with pictures

The first decorating tip for bathrooms may sound the most unusual, but it is possible to complement the style adopted in other bathroom environments – in the bathroom, mainly, where it does not usually have the same level of humidity as other bathrooms.

So, if you already adopt a more irreverent style in your home environments, opt for fun frames in bathroom decoration it can be a unique touch and full of personality.

However, be aware that, as it is a smaller room, the choice of paintings must normally be consistent with the space, so that they do not steal all the attention and overshadow the rest of the composition.

2. Bet on reusable products

With market crates, for example, it is possible to decorate bathrooms in a unique and very functional way.

To do this, simply reuse the material and give it a personalized finish, so that it is harmonious with the rest of the environment.

You can then attach them to the bathroom walls, which allows a better arrangement of space for movement, or even below the sink, to organize products.

Furthermore, drawers can also be reused as shelves and ladders retired as towel racks in the corner of the bathroom. This way, you can complement the decor with antique pieces, and also give the decor a rustic highlight.

3. Extend your bathroom decor with wall stickers

Tiles have always been, and continue to be, the favorite material for bathroom walls. Nowadays, however, you can add more practicality to the composition by opting for different models of tile stickers.

One of the great features of this type of product is the ease of application and removal. With stickers, it is possible to renovate the walls with economy, practicality and with a wide variety of designs so you can reinvent your bathroom decor.

4. Mix more colors

In addition to the paintings, tile stickers and reused furniture, a good tip is to work with colors, so that the bathroom is a harmonious watercolor.

After all, tones have the power to create sensations in environments, and this can be very well applied to bathroom decoration. Just make sure that the colors complement each other and are in line with the decorative style adopted in your home – otherwise, the environment could become very busy, especially because it is a smaller room.

5. Bet on natural decorations

Plants and flowers tend to renew any environment, and the bathroom would be no different. However, you must take into consideration that they need sunlight and water.

Therefore, to adopt natural plants in the environment, the bathroom must have a window to let the sun in. If the location does not have sun during some part of the day, artificial plants are recommended.

And you, do you have any other tips for investing more in modern, creative and functional bathroom decor? Share with us in the comments field of this post and see you next time. 

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