In the midst of the delicate moment the world is going through, Criativando Wallpapers continues to expand and with a bold growth strategy, it brings some of the biggest names in architecture and design as allies and members of its board.
Paulo Mancio, civil engineer, with an MBA in business administration from FGV, has worked for over 18 years in the Design, Projects and Properties area at Accor, and assumed the position of Senior Vice President for South America in 2013.
Recognized for implementing innovations and pioneering initiatives, he is responsible for the conception and curation of the Design & Technical Summit, considered one of the main events for the hospitality market.
It has implemented around 400 hotels around the world and currently has more than 125 hotel projects under its management in its pipeline.
Paulo is a postgraduate professor in Architecture and Interior Design for the Luxury market at the University of Vale do Itajaí (UNIVALI/SC).
“When I was introduced to Criativando through a mutual friend, I soon realized the potential of Criativando and its differences, we became close and amid conversations, the invitation to become a Board Advisor came about.
Criativando is positioned in a heated and constantly growing market, wallpaper is one of the most versatile items in decoration, whether in a hotel or residence, the fact that you can customize the wallpaper is a big difference, in addition to the model of Criativando's business with its franchises and platform, literally being a unique innovation for the decor market in the world.
I am excited about this challenge, which will undoubtedly be very successful.“
With the arrival of Paulo Mancio, Criativando targets the Hospitality segment also for its wallpapers, after all it is allied with one of the biggest names in the segment.
In addition to Paulo Mancio, another name was announced. Beto Cocenza, creator of BOOMSPDESIGN, took on the role of “ambassador” for Criativando, also gaining a seat on the company's board.

As an architectural curator, his most recent and impactful curation was carried out for FLORENSE, where he brought together two stars of world design and landscaping, DROR BENSHETRIT and GILBERTO ELKIS, to create the FLORENCE FLAGSHIP STORE in São Paulo.
Among its activities is the project to develop new collections, bringing together architects, interior designers, designers and artists on the CRIATIVANDO platform.
“The challenge is great and very motivating”, says Cocenza; Bringing together renowned names from the national and international market, of great diversity, to produce wallpapers, their characteristics and their most distinct personalities, is a great challenge and the motivation could not be at a better time. CRIATIVANDO is at an important moment of expansion, with the launch of new franchises and fundraising, duly regulated by the CVM – Securities Commission and is already planning internationalization for the beginning of 2022.
Criativando is at the forefront of innovation in a billion-dollar segment. There are R$ 7 billion handled in the year in the wallpaper sector, with a forecast growth of 25% by 2023.
In 2020, when it launched the franchise model, Criativando sold 8 units in 16 days, which accelerated business growth, more than doubling revenue compared to 2019.
Today we already have 13 operations, franchises in operation and 4 more in the process of being implemented and a pipeline of 20 more operations under negotiation.
With a solid strategy and partners, we plan to internationalize by the end of 2021 with entry into more than 8 countries simultaneously, being a major milestone for a Brazilian startup.
We are very excited about this board we are putting together, without a doubt it is a great opportunity to be together with these names and also a great responsibility.
We know the potential that Criativando has and seeing that big names share the same feeling of value as Criativando is very gratifying and the certainty that we are on the right path.
We still have more big names to announce, for our “board of stars”, adds Jonathan Tebaldi, CEO of Criativando, The moon is already ours”
Jonathan Tebaldi – Founder – CEO/CSO