The trend is here to stay and, currently, a lot is said about the importance of a planned office decoration. After all, it is an immediate reflection of the type of image you want to convey to your customers, partners and suppliers – and even your competition.
In this way, that monochromatic and bland aspect of traditional corporate environments gave way to warm colors, charming and functional furniture and decorative elements that reinforce everything you want to express through the visual identity of your business.
And, if you still don't know where to start office decoration, in today's post we prepared a series of tips to help give more personality to the corporate environment! Check out.
Start with the comfort of the furniture
Are you used to receiving customers at your company? If so, mix elements so that social environments, such as the reception, highlight the personality of your business and make visitors feel comfortable.
This even helps to reinforce that old saying that the first impression is the last impression. But it is important to be careful that this concept is not restricted to just the first room of your company. After all, your employees also deserve convenience to keep productivity high.
Therefore, try to create a unique environment in each area, highlighting its qualities and ensuring that ergonomics, comfort and elegance are common characteristics in the company.
But it's worth a tip: don't err on the side of excess, as too much information can be more distracting than helping your team concentrate.
Explore adequate comfort through room division
If the square footage is small, creativity must prevail when decorating the office. Now, in large spaces, explore your good taste intelligently.
After all, an office must be functional and balanced, punctually, for style and convenience. So, regardless of the size of your company, it is worth seeking a harmonious division of environments, focused on ensuring assertiveness at work.
The best options are partitions instead of walls, and decorative elements that help delimit the entrance to a new environment. For this reason, stickers and wallpapers, which are easy to apply, are the right bets for office decoration.
Reinforce emotions through colors and lighting
Without a doubt, a little color in environments helps to bring out all kinds of emotions. It's no surprise that strong colors, like yellow, refer to joy and productivity, while dark colors reflect more intimate emotions, right?
Therefore, it is important to work with colors in favor of your teams – and you don't even need to paint an entire wall to do this. Sometimes, details in the furniture, pictures on the walls and items displayed in the hallways tend to lift the spirits of any corporate environment. Even more so when they are combined with a good lighting design, which guarantees ideal clarity and also helps to highlight any element that you want to highlight in the office decor.
Combine functionality and style in office decor
Environments creatives, casual, objective or practical can be complemented in a functional and charming way with decorative objects.
This effect is achieved by rugs, plants and flowers, paintings, cushions on sofas and even ottomans to rest on.

Find the type of element that matches your company's DNA and explore it in your office decor.
Do you want personalized decoration for your office? Get to know the Creating We have many options for you to decorate your office.
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