Creating Home Design

4 ways to decorate with your personality

It's no secret that, here on the blog, we insist on the idea of printing the personality from each one of us environments of the House.

It turns out that, to achieve this result, it is necessary to balance the functionality sought in each room of the home with its style, without one interfering with the other.

And, to help with this decorative mission, we have prepared 4 tips on how to make your home environments reflect your personality. Check out!

1. Bet on colors

It is clear that colors play a fundamental role in the search for the impression of personality in environments. After all, they, by themselves, already have the ability to transmit a series of sensations, such as tranquility, joy, disposition and even passion.

Therefore, it is possible to choose shades according to the impressions you want to be perceived in each room of the house.

A tip, however: for intimate environments, such as the bedroom, choose tones that have a relaxing effect. After all, you don't want the most desired room to rest after a long day of work to tire your eyes quickly, do you?

It's even worth opting for neutral tones, although this may partially reflect your personality. That's why, instead of painting entire walls, you can invest in decorative elements in the desired colors – paintings are excellent options, for example.

2. Decorate the walls with images full of personality

From photographs to posters – without forgetting the aforementioned paintings –, the appeal that images have to add more personality to decoration is undeniable.

It's interesting to focus on your personal interests and take the opportunity to tell some stories through your walls. With photographs, create a narrative about a moment, a stage in your life or even highlight the people important to you.

With paintings and posters, it's easy to highlight your personal tastes. Rock stars, films and series, landscapes of places you've already visited... The possibilities are extensive and it's worth finding the images that best highlight your personality in the environments.

Tip: mix the colors of the walls with the sensations you want to convey with the selected images. Grayish walls, for example, go well with a vintage style of visual composition, while strong colors go well as a backdrop for any pop art decor!

3. Use decorative pieces to complement the personality of the environments

To add more personality to your decor, it’s worth opting for decorative pieces to bring a little more personality to your home.

In your home office or living room, for example, how about dusting off those collectibles you acquire on each of your trips? Or even miniatures of your favorite pop culture characters?

For the bedroom, it is worth adopting the most intimate objects, such as picture frames, for example, or even using your personality in functional pieces, such as lampshades. The important thing is to generate inspiration in any environment.

4. Create impactful compositions with a lighting project

Finally, there is no way to talk about personality in environments without first discussing the lighting in each of them. After all, indirect lights are essential for promoting relaxation in intimate environments, while excess light helps to highlight all the details of a room.

Therefore, work on both the intensity of the light beam and the quantity, so that you can transform each lamp into a true ally of your decoration.

These are simple tips, but they are capable of transforming environments according to your personal taste and personality. Do you have any questions about how to apply these suggestions? In between get in touch with us see you next time. 

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